The bridal bouquet is one of the most important and beautiful elements in any wedding.  The perfect bouquet should enhance the beauty of your gown, complement your body, and set the tone for the wedding.

Bridal bouquet now comes in all colours, shapes, and styles.  They can also be made with fresh or silk flowers.  Some brides prefer to use fresh flowers because they smell nice, while others choose to use silk flowers because they are everlasting.  What you choose to use is totally personal, since both types are equally popular.

However, what you wear on your big day and how self-conscious you are, will hugely influence the style of bouquet you should choose.  In general:

Cascade Bouquet — The most traditional and formal style. Best for taller and fuller figures; compliments A-line gowns or dresses with a train.

Cascade Bouquet

Cascade Bouquet


Overarm Bouquet — A less common style for today’s wedding.  Best for slim figures; compliments long and skinny dress styles.

Overarm Bouquet

Overarm Bouquet


Pomander — Great for vintage-style weddings.  Best for petite figures; compliments short or calf-length skirts.




Round Bouquet  The most popular choice and works for all types of wedding.  Best for petite figures and brides with medium height and build; compliments bias-cut and modern-look dresses.

Round Bouquet

Round Bouquet


Loose-tied Bouquet — A little less formal than the others and gives the illusion of a bouquet with just-picked spring flowers. Best for taller and slimmer figures; compliments skinny and simple dresses.

Loose-tied Bouquet

Loose-tied Bouquet



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